
Figs in Wigs bring Little Wimmin, their live art feminist ‘adaptation’ of Louisa May Alcott's classic novel Little Women, to WOW Festival.
Wild, irreverent and cosmically comical, Little Wimmin dismantles the traditional canon to make way for the doomed future of humankind asking how we think about the past, what’s wrong with the present and what we’re going to do about the future…if there even is one.
"Revelling in brazen, absurdist satire, outlandish performance collective Figs in Wigs do anything but revere the 19th-century classic... An ode to storytelling, and an anarchic glimpse of how much fun experimental performance art can have." ★★★★ The Guardian
The cast of five women transform the novel into a darkly funny, thought-provoking and surreal show with their distinctive punky and clunky perspective.
Prepare to laugh at the traditions of theatre and poke fun at people’s obsession with ‘the classics’ as the Figs use the story as their very own trojan horse, turning it on it’s head before dismantling it completely and mutating it into an unrecognisable cartoon catastrophe that talks about climate change, astrology and the infinite nature of the universe.
P.S. Beth dies.
Co-commissioned by HOME Manchester and Cambridge Junction through Stobbs New Ideas Fund. Supported by the artsdepot Creation Space Bursary, Battersea Arts Centre, Pleasance Theatre, Metal Southend, New Diorama Theatre and Queen Mary University of London.
Part of WOW - Women of the World Festival.