
The Greek myths are among the world's most important historical building blocks - they’re all around us, deeply embedded into our culture and stories.
But the travesty is, modern tellers of Greek myth have usually been men; who have pretty consistently shown little interest in telling women's stories – and when they do, women are often painted as sex objects, vengeful, or just plain evil. But Pandora – the first woman, who according to legend, unleashed chaos upon the world – was not a villain to the Greeks, Helen didn’t always start a war, and even Medea and Phaedra have vastly more nuanced stories than generations of retellings might indicate.
Come and join Natalie Haynes in conversation with poet and writer Nikita Gill to refocus our gaze on the remarkable women at the centre of these ancient myths. From Pandora to Helen of Troy, Medusa to Medea and of course the Amazons, this will be an evening of amazing stories and life-changing new perspectives!
Natalie Haynes is the author of six books. Most recently Pandora’s Jar: Women and the Greek Myths (2020) and A Thousand Ships, which was longlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2020. She has written and recorded six series of Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics for BBC Radio 4.
This event will be BSL Interpreted.
Part of WOW - Women of the World Festival.