
‘On Zoom?’
‘On my own?’
‘On mute?’
‘Does it work, or is it…weird…..?!’
The answer, in short, is yes, it works and yes, it’s weird! It’s been a pretty strange year for singers, and especially strange for those wanting to start singing. But rest assured, with creative vision and positivity and guidance, it’s not only possible, but…fun to sing on Zoom.
So….please come and join Choral activist Kirsty Martin at WOW’s Virtual Big Sing. Kirsty will guide you through a group warm up into singing some small but perfectly formed songs from all over the world together. This session is suited to singers of all persuasions – reluctant singers, shower crooners and seasoned divas all welcome.*
No experience needed. This event will be BSL interpreted.
This workshop is open to everyone and will take place on Zoom. You will be sent joining details before the event. You’ll be part of a large group led by Kirsty - but do book early to secure a place!
*Remember, even if you think you are a beginner singer…you’re not! You speak, everyday, with varying pitch and rhythm, cadence and dynamics (unless you are a Dalek) - which are those lovely ingredients that also make up song. You almost certainly sing-a-long to the radio now and then, and you know those ‘earworms’ that sometimes get stuck in your head at 3am? That’s your musical memory in action!
This event is part of WOW UK Festival 2021, our three week digital programme of groundbreaking In Conversations and interactive workshops. For this year’s festival, we are offering audiences the chance to pay what they can for tickets from £1 upwards. If you’re able to pay a higher ticket price, your contribution will include a donation to help WOW continue its work fighting for gender equality all year-round.