
Watch now: Another Pandemic - Violence Against Women

1 Apr 2021

Blog Post

On 21 March we held an urgent event to hear strategies and actions being taken around the world to end violence against women and girls. You can now watch Another Pandemic - Violence Against Women in full, with BSL interpretation and captions, and download a resource pack to help take action.

The marathon was held in response to the murder of Sarah Everard; the murdered sisters Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry; the dismissal of legal challenges to how rape policy is prosecuted in the UK; the unheard voices of girls, trans, disabled, indigenous women and gender nonconforming people; domestic abuse statistics, and protests across India and Australia. For a full list of speakers, view the event page.

This conversation cannot end. Please watch and share with friends, family and male allies.

Watch and download the resource pack below.


A group of women in WOW branded t-shirts

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