
By Evie Gray, aged 17 from North Wales
Tell us about the artwork
I decided to create two pieces of artwork: the first is a Suffragette collage piece. They really inspire me as they were the first wave of feminists to properly speak out and bring attention to the misogyny happening in Britain back in the early 20th century. They played a massive part in shaping women’s rights today.
The second piece I did is a painting dedicated to women and non-binary people of all backgrounds coming together to Smash the Patriarchy!
What inspired you to make your artwork?
The new Texas Heartbeat Act (that prohibits women from having abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected) inspired this piece. It was a harsh reminder that, although we as women have come so far in terms of equality, the patriarchy still finds a way to dictate our lives, and so we must all unite and stand against it.
What action would you like people to take to make the world better for girls and non-binary young people today?
I would like people to listen to young girls’/non-binary voices, no matter our age, sexuality, race or class, as there is often the misconception that we have already ‘gained enough’ in terms of equality, which just isn’t true. Until every woman and non-binary folk can feel safe, secure, heard and respected, the battle is never over.
This artwork is part of WOWsers: A Creative Explosion, an exhibition supported by BBC Children In Need's impact programme focused on children’s mental health, A Million & Me.