
What Can I Do?
By Katie, aged 15 from Aberdeen
Tell us about the artwork.
It's about how you can do many things to help affect change, even if it seems pretty small. It can often feel like you're just one person. What can you do against the world? How can you change people's minds? But it's the little things that really can help. And those little things can join together until you have a whole army of people who want to make change.
What inspired you to make your artwork?
I think it was the internet. And how it would be hard to change people's minds about views or creating certain things.
I figured I could expand this to the world where one person could actually help change something. I thought it would be cool to make a poster about some things you can do to help change things you're unhappy about.
What action would you like people to take to make the world better for girls and non-binary young people today?
Look, listen, ask, understand.
This artwork is part of WOWsers: A Creative Explosion, an exhibition supported by BBC Children In Need's impact programme focused on children’s mental health, A Million & Me.