
Join the Central Coast International Women’s Day Combined Committee with representatives from WOW Australia to explore the possibilities of a future WOW Festival in the Central Coast.
At the workshop we will explore the gender-related issues you think need to be discussed in a festival program, who to invite to perform and hear speak and what you would like to learn. This is a key opportunity to be involved in the conversation and planning for a future WOW festival in our region.
Around the world, WOW programmes are planned through a series of WOW Think Ins. These friendly events are a chance to have your say on what your WOW Festival should be about. What ideas can be developed into the programme and what in your opinion are the most relevant topics for women, girls and non-binary people today? And for the men and boys we share the world with?
Every WOW Festival starts with Think Ins, from New York to Karachi, Istanbul to Rio de Janeiro, Australia, across the UK and beyond, so you’ll be joining thousands of people of all genders who’ve got together to think about what they want their festival to be like.
Come as you are - you don’t need to prepare anything, and there’s no pressure to talk if you’d rather listen.
Dates & Times
All times shown in GMT