
As Bright as a Flame - WOWsers: A Creative Explosion

11 Oct 2021


As Bright As a Flame

By Amy, aged 13 from Elgin

Tell us about the artwork.

It's a poem about how strong and powerful women are.

What inspired you to make your artwork?

Being underestimated by men.

What action would you like people to take to make the world better for girls and non-binary young people today?

Educate boys and girls about equality.

This artwork is part of WOWsers: A Creative Explosion, an exhibition supported by BBC Children In Need's impact programme focused on children’s mental health, A Million & Me.
I am as determined as a flame burning through life as if it were dry wood, leaving behind only ashes of wisdom and power.
I am strong and free with a blazing passion and a need to make a difference.
I am fierce and I am unstoppable.
I am, a woman.

By Amy, aged 13.

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