
True Beauty
By Taylor L Cameron, aged 13 from Elgin
Tell us about the artwork
Each painting shows an insecurity. The first one being stretch marks, the second being body hair and the third being 'hip dips'. One thing in common with all of these features is that when you search for them on Google, the first thing you are met with is ways to get rid of them. When the reality is, for stretch marks and hip dips, you can't. But this standard that is imposed on women makes them feel like they have to - that they are not beautiful because of their natural selves. These paintings aim to change this.
What inspired you to make your artwork?
All the people who feel they need to hide their bodies because they aren’t 'conventionally attractive'.
What action would you like people to take to make the world better for girls and non-binary young people today?
I would love it if people would be more understanding and willing to learn, and I hope that one day the modern beauty standard won’t exist.
This artwork is part of WOWsers: A Creative Explosion, an exhibition supported by BBC Children In Need's impact programme focused on children’s mental health, A Million & Me.

Taylor L Cameron