
Gender Equality
By Molly, aged 14 from Aberdeen
Tell us about the artwork.
It looks briefly at some of the different issues within sexism, including transphobia and racism. And focusing on the main message: Sexism is a social disease.
What inspired you to make your artwork?
For as long as I can remember I have been interested in feminism and gender equality -I probably wasn't aware of what those words meant at the time - and having the opportunity to share my thoughts and opinions was cool! I was also just tired of the sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic comments I hear around school and didn't know how to speak up about it. So that's kinda what I did here :)
What action would you like people to take to make the world better for girls and non-binary young people today?
The big one would be to achieve gender equality of course. However, I think just teaching people about the inequalities that women, non-binary and transgender people face because of their gender identity, and also teaching people about gender identities and how to use pronouns correctly (they/them and neopronouns in particular), and why it's completely different from somebody's gender assigned from birth.
I also think respect and acceptance plays a major role in achieving gender equality.
This artwork is part of WOWsers: A Creative Explosion, an exhibition supported by BBC Children In Need's impact programme focused on children’s mental health, A Million & Me.